A/Prof Kiarash Taghavi

A/Prof Kiarash Taghavi

Kiarash graduated from the University of Otago and is a fully qualified surgeon under the auspices of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS). Throughout his training he has worked at centres of excellence across Australia (Brisbane, Melbourne) and New Zealand (Auckland, Wellington). Following this he completed post-fellowship work in Paediatric Urology at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne. He has also visited surgical centres across the UK and Europe, including Great Ormond Street Hospital in London, and Hôpital Necker-Enfants in Paris.

Kiarash works as a specialist Paediatric Urologist at Monash Children’s Hospital, and is an Associate Professor with the Department of Paediatrics at Monash University.

Kiarash has published 50 peer reviewed journal articles and nine book chapters. He has completed post-graduate degrees in surgical anatomy (with distinction), paediatrics and clinical education. He is regularly an invited speaker both domestically and internationally in topics relating to Paediatric Urology.

Kiarash has been a member of the Board of Paediatric Surgery, and is currently an examiner in “Anatomy and Embryology” for RACS. He holds membership to the European Society for Paediatric Urology, British Association of Paediatric Urologists and Hypospadias International Society. He is an editor for the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, and Frontiers in Urology (Paediatric, Adolescent and Developmental Urology section).

Kiarash recognises each child is an individual, and tailors his advice to each families circumstances and preferences. He treats every child as if they were his own, and is always updating his approaches to reflect the most up-to-date evidence.

As well as being an enthusiastic children’s surgeon, Kiarash also performs regularly as a violinist.